Posted by: Mark - Posted on:

We will be holding Flu and Covid 19 vaccination clinics during week commencing 2nd October 2023 for the following groups of patients;

  • Those aged 65 and over 
  • All children aged 2 or 3  on 31 August 2023 
  • Those aged 6 months to under 65 in clinical at risk groups such as those with; 
  1. Chronic (long term) respiratory disease, e.g. severe asthma
  2. COPD or bronchitis
  3. Chronic heart disease such as heart failure
  4. Chronic kidney disease at stage three, four or five
  5. Chronic liver disease
  6. Chronic neurological disease, such as Parkinson’s disease or motor neurone disease,
  7. Learning disability
  8. Diabetes
  9. Splenic dysfunction or asplenia
  10. A weakened immune system due to disease (such as HIV/AIDS) or treatment (such as cancer treatment)
  11. Morbidly obese ( BMI of 40 and above)
  • Pregnant women (including those who become pregnant during flu season)
  • People in long-stay residential care homes 
  • Carers in receipt of Carers Allowance or those who are the main carer of an elderly or disabled person
  • Close contacts of immunocompromised individuals

Please book your appointment, preferably by using the online service.